Sunday Mornings @ 10:00
Join us Sunday mornings @ 10 to get enrolled in our Connection Groups Bible Study Classes. These classes are geared to fit different needs in your life as well as to help you grow as a Christian and to connect with new friends. Click Here to view current classes.
Sunday Mornings @ 11:00
The book of Psalms has been called the "heart of the Bible." It is the book of praise used by the Israelites as their national hymn book. The Psalms not only stir up our minds with truth, but they stir up our hearts with feeling. Throughout all cultures, at all times, God’s people have turned to the Psalms for comfort, encouragement, and delight. That’s why the Psalms are so precious to us—they have a way of finding us wherever we may be. These psalms reveal the most varied feelings and experiences of God's people found anywhere in the Bible. Join us this summer as we make practical applications to our lives from key Psalms throughout this amazing book of God's Word.
Sunday Evenings @ 6:00
The book of 1 Peter is a letter from Peter to the believers who had been dispersed throughout the ancient world and were under intense persecution. Peter showed what it was like to endure persecution while not becoming bitter or losing hope. He showed how in great persecution how to have great faith and live an obedient, victorious life. Peter encouraged these Christians to stand for Christ in this life because truly this world was not their home and they were just passing through. Join us for this series as we discover practical truths and encouragement for us to stand for Christ because our hope as Christians is not this life but in the life but in the life to follow. This world is not our home; we are just passing through.
Wednesday Evenings @ 7:00
Join us each Wednesday night on a journey on Route 66 as we travel through the 66 different books of the Bible focusing on a different book each week. This series will be informative as we examine each book's theme, outline, characters, truths. It will also be practical as we see transformation truths from each book that we can apply to our life in daily living.